

The life of a Military Wife

I'm sorry I haven't been around. My husband just got his orders and were leaving in less than a month! June 1st. We've been trying to sort out our lives and home. 
We've even been trying to find a home for a stray kitten we took in, but no one wants her.
We named her Dobby, but we're trying not to get attached.

 I have been still been baking I just haven't had the chance to post anything.
Hopefully this doesn't last long though. 
Here's the situation:
My husband got re-classed, which mean he has to go back to tech school to get a new job.
He'll be going to Sheppard AFB, which is in Wichita Falls, Texas for about 2 months (During our 3rd year anniversary. Sadness)
We're supposed to hear where we get stationed next any day now, but every day that passes, it just seems unlikely that we'll know where we're going and before you know it Joe is in Tech school and we still won't know til he graduates. Which I'm hoping it doesn't happen, but if it does, it wouldn't be the first time. 
Sooooo, right now, we're packing as if I'm leaving to go home while he's in Texas and trying to get rid of things we don't use/need. But honestly I have no clue where I'll be in a month. Home, here, or another base! But the Air Force's motto is basically "Hurry up and wait". So that's what we're doing. Is waiting. 

I'm hoping that I can come back soon, I have so much to share! and I want to know what you guys have been up to! 
Happy Blogging everyone!


  1. I have a lot of family in the military and I feel so much for all of you!! The uncertainty and's so hard. I couldn't do it, so thank you to your Husband for his service and you for supporting him! I hope all works out smoothly and happily for you!! Kitty is so cute, I hope you can keep her, too. I have a housecat and she is the best company. :) I also take care of three strays who "adopted" me. Good luck with everything!!

  2. This is so ironic i was on pinterest came to your site to look at the 130 uses for vinegar post. I was just about to click off and seen the name of your blog. i mean who doesn't like cupcakes right?! Anyway I seen your husband is in the Air Force. My husband and I are as well and we are stationed at Sheppard AFB as Military Training Leaders. Just wanted to wish you and your husband the best of luck . I hope you guys at least got the assignment you were hoping for :)


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