

For the Lazy baker :)

No, I am not calling you all lazy, it's just what I call myself. 
Sometimes I don't even call it that; sometimes it's the overworked housewife who needs to make a bunt cake for potluck.
Some days it's so hard to bake when you've had a busy day or just an off day even!

I will be posting some delicious, easy baking solutions to your hectic day. 

Lately I have been favoring this box:
Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Brownie mix.

Not only is this delicious just made by it self, but I have tried some new things to it that give it a little extra something. 
 I have tried one or two things before and have posted it:

Some things I ave been wanting to try out:
Betty Crocker has a few ideas as well!
Marble Cake using brownie mix and cake mix!

As I come up with more I will be sure to fill you in. 
Happy Baking!

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