I'm addicted to Pinterest!

I really, really am! I could spend HOURS pinning. If you don't know what pinning is, I'll tell you. Pinterest is an online pin board. I personally have so many websites bookmarked so that I can later do/cook/ refer back to them, but I always forget about them. Out of sight, out of mind! BUT with pinterest you can take any photo on a website and pin it into one of your 'folders'. For example, on my pinterest board (you can follow my boards by clicking the pinterest sign on the right hand column) I have 26 boards, all different categories. I have my photos that I pin from this blog, called Cupcake Apothecary, I have foods I want to cook and bake, Awesome ideas and tips, Christmas ideas, etc, etc, etc.
So do I sit around and just pin? Hell no! I actually do the things I see on pinterest; here are some things I have done:
Beach-y Salt  Hair Spray
Where I live the water is SO HARD! As I have naturally curly hair (Yes, thats me in the photo) and the water here was deteriorating it! But with a few tips, I brought my hair back to life, including the salt spray.

1. Lanza Sun and Swim Shampoo and Conditioner.
It is for people who swim a lot or have hard water. 

 2. Vinegar rinse. 
After I shampoo my hair, I rinse it out with half a glass of water and half a glass of vinegar mixed in. It helps to take out all the crap in your hair, previous hair spray and junk and it helps with the hard water.

 3. Lanza Noni Fruit Detangler and Leave in Conditioner
Once my hair is lightly damp I spray this in my hair, mostly where I have highlights and parts I've bleached.

4. Salt Spray
1 tsp Epsom salt, Few drops olive oil (or Jojoba oil), and 1/4 water (I use distilled water) in a spritzer bottle.

Afterwords my hair comes out nice and curly, as if I was washing my hair in regular water. I know it seems like a lot of work, but this is actually a lot easier than my usual routine of putting 14 different products in it! And if you have curly hair, you know that it takes a lot to keep it nice!

Grow Green Onions
Don't throw those away!
I always have 1 or 2 recipes that call for like 2 tbsp at most and then I have to throw the rest away.
Well, place your green onion ends into a glass with water and in a sunny window and they will keep growing! It's amazing! I've already have had to cut them down and freeze some. Every few days I empty out the water and place new water. 

Memory Jar
I know I don't have many memories in it yet, but it's only the beginning of the year! And there's nothing around to do, but we're trying. Anyways, after the year is up, on New Years Eve, You read them out loud! 
Source: Inchmark

Homemade Dish Washer Detergent
This one I am most proud of! I've recently gotten into a saving money/coupon clipping kick and I noticed how expensive dishwasher detergent can be especially when that detergent doesn't last that long!
So, I tried this and you can compare how amazing it is on my silverware. Like I said, I have hard water and nothing makes them clean-clean. Until now!
I swear I did not tamper with the left knife. I pulled it right out of my silverware drawer. I didn't even know there was some kind of writing on them because they'd come out so foggy! Ok, here is the 'recipe'
1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
1/2 cup Kosher Salt (I used regular table salt and so did the original resource, and it still worked great)
1/2 cup Citric Acid (double this if you have hard water, which I did, I also used Lemishine)

Basically, mix it all together in a bucket or container. 
Use 1 tbsp each load. 
I use 2, 1 in the open compartment in the dishwasher and 1 in the one that locks and releases during the cycle.
You can find all of these in the detergent aisle.

I also like to use Vinegar in the rinse aid compartment, it works so much better with the hard water and its so much more inexpensive!

Sorry, I have no clue what those things are called... Filing racks perhaps? Anyway, if you don't have a lot of room in your kitchen like me, then you'll love this!
Take some mounting tape and stick it to a cabinet, like so.

So amazing! I have another one on the other side holding sandwich baggies as well.
I don't know where I got this idea from, but I know it was on pinterest. 

13 Lovely Thoughts:

Susan-The Weekly Sweet Experiment said...

I am soo addicted too. Natural curly hair too :) Love the memory jar. I need to do that - if I only could get off pinterest!

Unknown said...

great ideas and most of it i already have! thank u :)

Kelsey said...

It's called a Magazine File!

Anonymous said...

i am doing the storage thing for sure ASAP

Anonymous said...

Just did the magazine file storage on each side of my under sink cabinents. LOVE IT!!! I actually emptied out a drawer.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if using hooks that you pull down the tape when you don't want the hooks in the same place. By first attaching the hooks, then you place the file holder.

Anonymous said...

you have so many wonderful & useful the one with the mag. rack!

Unknown said...

I'm going to have to try the dishwasher recipe. I have hard water too, thank you city of Houston for that.
Thanks for the great ideas

Eugeni Potgieter said...

I definitely need a memory jar to remind me to get off Pinterest and get some work done in the house! LOVE IT!

Kaylyn Reed said...

I'm excited to try the dish washer detergent. Do you use the Lemishine in place of the citric acid, or as well as? If you use both, how much Lemishine do you use?

Unknown said...

Love the detergent, did anyone have problems with it getting hard

Anonymous said...

yes mine would get hard too, i just shake the container some, and i've also left the citric acid out of recipe and just add a teaspoon to every load and it works well.

Anonymous said...

Honestly though, what else could you call a guaranteed urine testing device, one that actually keeps the urine warm for 4 hours with one set of batteries? The Urinator system is made of a heater, fluid bag, and computer chip that monitors the temperature of the fluid for the most realistic return. The Velcro-binding system is easy to work with and hide, while the electric parts of the unit can work for 10,000 hours. Or in other words, for the rest of your career. You can put the bag anywhere, whether it’s between your legs, down your pants, on your chest, or as a belt. You simply pull the tube out when it’s time to test (no attachments holding you back) and then release the sample after verifying the realistic temperature. However, it is important that customers start with warm liquid to begin with since starting cold or room temperature using the heating system (separate from the efficient digital unit) will drain the battery quickly. The system takes about 20 minutes to get started, but then can last for up to 4 hours, giving you enough time to take a “pop quiz” at work, no sweat. Pros Cons Quick Fix Synthetic urine is a pre-mixed specimen created in a lab, and one that is perceived to be clear, fresh, and realistically balanced in multiple characteristics. The synthetic urine is unisex and can be warmed up to human temperature with the help of hand warmers. You can also warm it in a microwave and it will stay warm for up to 8 hours – a full day of work. Heat activator will help you warm the synthetic pee in a few seconds and take it to the optimum temperature. With this synthetic pee, even if you reach the drug test facility a little late, you do not have to worry about the temperature because of the heat activator powder. Unisex: Unisex synthetic pee is always preferable. Although you will find a few synthetic pee products that are specifically made for women, they are costly and cannot be found on every website. You don’t have to worry about the gender of synthetic pee because the drug test facilities only check the presence of drugs and other unwanted substances in urine and not your gender. ⇒ Click Here to Visit the Official Website of Sub-Solution for the Best Discount Quick Fix is yet another reliable synthetic pee product made by a reputed company that has been in the market for years. What makes Quick Fix synthetic pee product so trustworthy is the fact that it has been in the market for many years now as an alternative to human urine for various purposes. Tested by labs to ensure that it is free of toxins and provides the desired results, this synthetic urine has been custom-made to ensure that you do not fail the drug test. It’s unisex and matches the specific gravity and pH balance of real human urine. Accurate pH and Specific Gravity: You can gain a deep insight into the brand’s sincerity from the fact that they even matched the specific gravity and pH to real urine.

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