Soft and Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies (Low Carb)

New year, Same Resolutions: : Losing Weight. 
Actually, it's more like... getting healthy.

Also, please visit my new blog about getting fit and eating healthy.
Pasta to Zucchini

My husband and I watched a documentary called Fat Head. Tom Naughton took the documentary Super Size Me to a whole new level. He wanted to prove that you can eat out like the guy from Super Size me and not gain weight. It was all about portion control when it came to carbs. Carbs has so much sugar in it that even if you're eating a 'diet' bread or cupcake there's still so much sugar in it.
Or something like that. My husband took more out of it. but I recommend watching it. It is eye opening. It's on Netflix watch instantly.

Anyway, so my husband and I are cutting out carbs for a little while. It's getting a little tough. I've been craving cupcakes and cookies. So I found these cookies when I was looking for some inspiration to do something without flour or with almond flour and right in front of my face were these cookies.

My Source: Culinary Couture

What you need:
1 cup Peanut Butter (I used Smart Balance)
1/2 cup Brown Sugar (Original called for a full cup but I wanted less sugar)
1/2 cup Splenda
1 Egg
(I added in a pinch of my homemade vanilla. It makes everything better.)
And you can also add chocolate chips!

What you need to do:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
MIX IT ALL TOGETHER. Don't even worry about dirtying your Kitchen Aid or Bosch. You can seriously whip this up real quick!
Bake for 9 minutes and let cool. Enjoy!

Makes 24 cookies
Per cookie:
54.9 Calories, 3.2 g Total Fat, 0.6 Saturated Fat, 15.5 mg Cholesterol, 26.0 mg Sodium, 53.4 mg Potassium, 7.6 g Total Carbohydrate, 0.3 g Fiber, 6.3 g Sugars

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