A Themed Baker's Sunday # 26

This is why I don't like the random theme; it's so hard to pick the winner!!! But sometimes I'm just too lazy to come up with a theme. 
After sitting here for an like an hour. I finally chose what I thought was best photographed, best explained and what I would love to bake and mostly what I would love to eat the most and I came up with:
Raspberry Cream Cake by: Just Putzing Around
Isn't that gorgeous??
I just want to stare at it for hours. Then shove it in my mouth... gracefully though. :)
Congrats! Grab a 'I Was Featured' button on the side here --->

I will be doing something new.
I honestly have a really hard time choosing who is the 'winner' I feel like that makes everyone else a loser. Which I don't like. So, I'm going to be choosing the 'winner' off of popularity.
Whoever has the most clicks (You can't click on yourself, it won't count) wins!
Thank you!

Ok Our new theme.
We haven't done bread in a long while!

Link up those rolls, loaves, corn breads, pretzals, etc etc etc!

6 Lovely Thoughts:

Shirley said...

That is beautiful! Good choice. Will be excited to see all the breads.

Winnie said...

I think the Raspberry Cream Cake is beautiful!
As for the bread - I bake challahs (Jewish bread) every week, so i actually have lots(!) of posts. I'm sharing a few
Have a wonderful week

Jess Wakasugi {Life's Simple Measures} said...

Omgosh, bread is easily one of my favorite things to bake [and eat!]. Linked up with several of my recipes, can't wait to look through everything else!

Andi said...

Sharing Cinnamon Swirl Bread have a great week and thank you for the party. Andi

Lorraine said...

Hi! Thanks for inviting me to your link party. I linked up my Irish Freckle Bread:)

Gary Solar Panels said...

Thanks for postting this

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